Universal Pictures 1929 Broadway

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Neil Lipes
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:30 pm

Universal Pictures 1929 Broadway

Post by Neil Lipes » Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:13 pm

Still dizzy from my time trolling the depths of the Nitrate vault, here are additional pictures with my comments.

Enjoy...........remember as Carl Laemmle, Sr. used to say........."it can be done, it will be done, it shall be done"
The man never utilized the word Can't.
A great shot of Jr. Laemmle on the Broadway crane during the back lot shooting.
Here director Fajos, and DP Mohr, are working with crane operator for camera angles.
Enlargement of working different camera angles.
Fajos, Mohr, and crane operator.
Enlargement of Fajos, Mohr, and crane operator.
Fajos, Mohr and crane operator.
Enlargement of Fajos, Mohr and crane operator.
Here DP Hal Mohr and his camera assistant line up Michell for interior shot.

Neil Lipes
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:30 pm

Re: Universal Pictures 1929 Broadway

Post by Neil Lipes » Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:49 pm

Before I am hospitalized with Nitrate film decomposition syndrome (spending so much time in the vault), I have unearthed two additional pictures from Broadway.

The female in the pictures is the principal actress in the film, Merna Kennedy, former darling of Charles Chaplin in several of his early efforts, and the one time wife of dance genius Busby Berkley.

Before one foot of emulsion was exposed, Fajos in concert with art director Charles D Hall had a full scale mini set constructed of the Broadway main set, this was imperative not only for general story-boarding, but it allowed Fajos and Hal Mohr the ability to precisely plan and later execute every camera move realized while on the Broadway crane!

It is this model that Ms. Kennedy poses with.

As they said back in the day, "she looked swell".

Remember to support retrospective houses of cinema, and the projection of 35mm emulsion, demand that prints actually be projected, enough is enough, of the digital monolith:-(
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